Advanced-Design Engineering
(209) 559-9360
Comments, Model Year of S10 Frame, Engine Type, Steering Shaft Type/Size:
* Note: If you are ordering a steering shaft kit (SSK) we will need to know the style of steering
column shaft you are using. We need shaft size and whether it is splined or cut like a double D.
Please put this info in the Comments section below.
PLEASE, do not use this form for general questions regarding our products. This form is specifically
for quoting shipping correctly. General questions can be referred to our email address.
Clicking the "Request Quote" button below will allow us to email you back a shipping quote. PayPal
does not offer a quote form so we use their invoice system. The quote will be in the form of a
secure PayPal invoice. After you receive the PayPal invoice, IF you decide to place an order you can
complete the invoice for a credit card payment or print it and mail your payment.
We cannot process credit card orders over the phone.
The PayPal Invoice form is just a QUOTE, unless you are ready to order. If you are not ready to order
at this time PLEASE just ignore the invoice when you receive it!!