Advanced-Design Engineering
(209) 559-9360

Our new design kits have been released!!! We are now accepting orders for our next production run! EMAIL US for more information.
This new design is light years ahead and will take but a few hours to install. That's right with your frame prepped you can have a rolling truck the same day! No more complaints from family. No more failed projects. Let's face it these projects take time, money and enthusiasm. Getting all three together is like aligning the stars. Now you'll be able to do it.
We have begun construction of a new shop truck to showcase the new products once they are complete and tested.
Our mission is to bring top-quality products to the market that are innovative and cost effective for the home hot-rodder, not cost prohibitive.

Welcome to Advanced-Design Engineering located in beautiful Sonora, CA. We specialize in manufacturing frame swap kits to install your 47-55 1st series GM truck body onto 1982-2003 S10/S15 truck frames. We opened for business in March of 2004 and have grown a lot since then. Customer support is always a number one priority for us. It is our belief that an informed decision to purchase requires a thorough understanding of the product so we appreciate your questions and provide prompt responses. After the sale we provide constant assistance via phone and email. We send hundreds of photos a year to provide ideas and solve issues during installation.
That said, you are invited to enter our site and dig into every corner where you'll find tons of helpful information. Make sure to check out our FAQ page for answers to commonly asked questions as well as the CUSTOMER RIDES page showing off a small spattering of our customers' projects.
Thank you again for visiting our site. We appreciate your business.