Advanced-Design Engineering
(209) 559-9360
Brake Pedals
Which one should I use??
When it comes to brake pedals you have some choices. This page was conceived to help you navigate those choices and make a good decision on what is best for you.
Brake pedal design falls into two main categories, under-floor mount and under-dash mount. Below we have compiled some info for each style in regards to the AD/S10 frame swap.
For you 54-55 1st Series owners there is also a warning.
NOTE: Specific application pedal assemblies shown below can NO LONGER be ordered directly through Pirate Jack. They do not carry these parts anymore.Thank you to Pirate Jack for allowing us to use their photos for this page.
Under-Floor Mounted Pedals
The under-floor pedal assembly for the S10 frame swap is the hardest to design and install. The under-floor pedal keeps the stock appearance and feel. If this is the style pedal you want to run then you have a couple basic choices shown below. With all the under-floor options you will need to manufacture a mount to adapt the aftermarket AD pedal assembly to the S10 frame.
New assembly that uses your stock pedal arm
New assembly that comes with it's own non-stock looking pedal arm

Under Dash Mount Pedals
NOTE: It is the opinion of ADE that trying to reuse the stock S10 pedal assembly and modify it to work under the AD dash is more trouble than it's worth. If you are going to use the under dash style pedal it is much easier to install the aftermarket pedal, which is inexpensive, than to
try and force fit the S10 pedal.
The under-dash mount pedal assembly for the S10 frame swap is the easiest to install. This style pedal comes in one basic design. This pedal assembly triangulates the pedal, firewall and dashboard for exceptional strength. This is the choice of nearly all new car manufacturers. The down side to this type of pedal is that the master cylinder and booster assembly are inside the engine compartment and it takes up a lot of space
under the dash. It doesn't always look great and can cause clearance issues but it sure is easy to top off the fluid compared to an under-floor mount. There are two types available; 1947-1953 and a universal style for 1954-1955.1 (1st Series). We prefer to modify the 47-53 pedal to mate up to the 54-55.1 dash.

Beware when ordering the under-dash mount pedal assembly for the 54-55.1 GM trucks. It is our understanding that the actual manufacturer of the under-dash mount pedal assembly, sold by most retailers, has ceased production of the 54-55.1 (1st Series) pedal assembly as shown in the advertisements.
Many retailers have NOT changed any of their advertising to state this fact and their online systems will allow you to order the pedal assembly without informing you of the fact that the part has been changed.
As an example, we received the pedal assembly pictured below when we ordered online through one of the largest classic performance parts suppliers. When questioned, the companies' customer service department stated this is the "new part." This "new part" looks strangely similar to their universal brake pedal assembly.
The "new part" does not "triangulate the pedal, firewall and dash" and will not make "the entire assembly extremely rigid" as stated. Firewall failure from repeated pedal applications could eventually cause a catastrophic firewall failure! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL THIS PEDAL ASSEMBLY. THEY WILL NOT ACCEPT IT BACK IF YOU DO. PUT IT BACK IN THE BOX AND SHIP IT BACK ACCORDING TO THEIR RETURN POLICY. If you do get stuck with it you will need to manufacture braces to connect the pedal assembly to the dashboard. Also, be aware that the "new part" will not allow use of the cowl vent actuator without modification.We prefer to modify the 47-53 pedal to mate up to the 54-55.1 dash.
1954-1955.1 (1st Series) UNDER-DASH MOUNT